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Oct 05, 2022
Breaking the Ransomware Attack Chain

At some point, any business connected to the internet is likely to become a victim of a ransomware because they are relatively easy and inexpensive to carry out, but potentially yield large payouts for cybercriminals. The best way of tackling this threat is to know how to break the attack chain. Join security experts from KuppingerCole Analysts and BeyondTrust to find out why digital transformation has massively increased the attack surface, what you need to know about ransomware, why it appears to be winning, and how to create effective defenses against it. 

John Tolbert, Lead Analyst at KuppingerCole is joined by Brian Chappell, Chief Security Strategist at BeyondTrust to discuss what security practices can realistically be implemented to defend against ransomware, which has become one of the most common cyber threats facing most organizations, particularly those in the energy, shipping, wholesale, retail, healthcare and financial industry sectors. These experts and security industry veterans will also discuss the role that Privileged Access Management (PAM) can play in mitigating the risks of ransomware and other cyber threats by reducing the opportunities for attackers to access and navigate targeted IT environments.

Event Recording
Jun 10, 2021
Sicherheitsherausforderungen einer Multicloud-Welt – Privileged Access & Identities

 Viele Unternehmen nutzen heute mehrere Cloud-Dienste, wobei ihre Enduser regelmäßig Dutzende oder sogar Hunderte verschiedener SaaS-Anwendungen verwenden. Diese große Cloud-Migration hat erfolgreich eine Ausweitung des mobilen Arbeitens ermöglicht und beschleunigt Initiativen zur digitalen Transformation. Eine steigende Anzahl an Cloud-Diensten bedeutet allerdings ebenso einen Anstieg an IT-Sicherheitsherausforderungen. Neben den grundlegenden Cloud-Sicherheitsaspekten entsteht eine zusätzliche Komplexität sowie Interoperabilitätsprobleme, die sich aus siloartigen Identity Stores, nativen Toolsets und einem Konflikt aufgrund der geteilten Verantwortlichkeiten der Cloud-Anbieter ergeben. All das schafft eine erweiterte Angriffsfläche und muss von Unternehmen adressiert werden.

Die Identity Challenge ist die wichtigste Sicherheitsherausforderung die es für Unternehmen zu lösen gilt und wird primär durch die Standardisierung des Managements und der Sicherheitskontrollen im gesamten IT-Ökosystem bewältigt. Nehmen Sie an dieser Sitzung teil und erfahren Sie mehr über: 

  • Die wichtigsten Cloud-Sicherheitsrisiken 
  • Wo native Toolsets Lücken in der Sicherheit hinterlassen, die Sie adressieren müssen 
  • Wie Sie mit Privileged Access Management (PAM) Best Practices für Cloud-Sicherheit implementieren, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit und das Ausmaß von Sicherheitsverletzungen in der Cloud deutlich zu verringern
Webinar Recording
May 20, 2021
Finding Your Path to Zero Trust

As users, devices and application workloads move outside the corporate network, the traditional model of enforcing security at the network perimeter is no longer effective. A Zero Trust model offers an alternative that secures data while ensuring it is accessible to employees, regardless of where they are working. But the path to achieving Zero Trust is unclear for many organizations.

Event Recording
Nov 20, 2020
Mohamed Ibbich: Welche Rolle spielt ein umfassender Privileged Access Management-Ansatz bei der sicheren Anbindung einer Remote- & Hybrid-Belegschaft?

Viele Organisationen stehen vor der Herausforderung Richtlinien für das Arbeiten aus dem Home-Office zu implementieren, um unter anderem eine stetig steigende Anzahl an Remote- und Hybrid-Mitarbeitern zu unterstützen. Während ein hybrides Arbeitsmodell eine interessante und aufregende Entwicklung darstellt, waren viele Organisationen nicht auf diese rasche, anfängliche Verlagerung der Arbeitsstruktur in Hybrid- oder Remote-Modelle vorbereitet. Die Nutzung einer Privileged Access Management-Lösung kann federführend dabei unterstützen, Sicherheitsauswirkungen dieser wachsenden Remote- und Hybrid-Belegschaft zu minimieren. Der Vortrag zeigt auf, wie diese neuen Arbeitsmodelle sicher supported sowie weiter ausgebaut werden können und legt dar, welche Rolle ein ganzheitlicher Privileged Access Management-Ansatz hierbei spielt.

Ferner behandelt der Vortrag:

  • CISO-Überlegungen bezüglich einer sich wandelnden Arbeitsbelegschaft sowie Sicherheitsauswirkungen einer schnellen Transformation
  • „New Normal“: Implementierung & Skalierung starker Sicherheitsprotokolle, um eine hybride Belegschaft zu ermöglichen
  • Wichtigkeit eines ganzheitlichen PAM-Ansatzes zur Absicherung jeglicher Privilegien, immer und überall
Event Recording
Nov 20, 2020
Panel - Die Rolle von PAM und wie man mit aktuellen Sicherheitsrisiken umgeht
Event Recording
Nov 12, 2020
Panel - Zero Trust Paradigm for the Future of Security
Webinar Recording
Nov 05, 2020
Operationalizing Least Privilege

Striking the balance between enabling users and administrators to be productive whilst protecting your sensitive systems and data is becoming ever more challenging. Attackers are often one step ahead of organizations, and even those with the most comprehensive security systems and controls in place find that an attacker will discover and exploit their Achilles’ heel.

Webinar Recording
Jun 26, 2020
Minimizing Security Impacts of a Growing Remote Workforce

Many organisations are implementing remote working policies and need to quickly support an unprecedented increase in the number of remote employees. However, an expanding remote workforce can significantly increase the attack surface and have changed the threat model of the organisation overnight. Many remote access options are quick to implement but are not secure and organisations are trying to navigate the challenges of quickly, but securely, operationalising their remote employees.

In their talk, Martin Kuppinger and Morey Haber explore the risks unsecure remote access presents and discuss how the secure remote access and endpoint privilege management pillars of a PAM solution can securely and efficiently connect remote employees to corporate resources.

Webinar Recording
Nov 20, 2019
6 Myths of Privileged Access Management Busted

Industry thought leaders have stated that if there is only one project you can tackle to improve the security of your organization it should be Privileged Access Management (PAM). But successfully securing and managing privileged access is a tough task and is only getting harder to solve.

Webinar Recording
Apr 20, 2018
Privileged Attack Vectors: Verständnis und Minimierung interner und externer Cyber-Risiken

Zunehmend ausgefeilte Cyber-Angriffe und strenge neue Datenschutzbestimmungen haben dazu geführt, dass Privilege Management-Lösungen von der relativen Unbekanntheit bis an die Grenze der Cybersicherheit gebracht wurden. Eine effiziente PxM-Strategie muss heutzutage mehrere Funktionsbereiche abdecken, wie z.B. Verwaltung und automatische Rotation von Passwörtern, Durchsetzung des Least Privilege Prinzips, Schwachstellenintegration, zentrale Analyse, Auditierung und Schutz. Nur ein solcher ganzheitlicher Ansatz ermöglicht eine vollständige Transparenz aller administrativen Aktivitäten über alle Umgebungen, Plattformen, Anwendungen und Services hinweg.

Webinar Recording
Jun 29, 2017
Interoperability and Intelligence: Two Keys to a Successful Privilege Management Deployment

As businesses are becoming increasingly digital, their IT infrastructures are continuously growing in scale and complexity, with vast numbers of previously disparate systems and platforms woven together by new communications channels. Many of these systems are no longer located within the corporate perimeter, having partially or completely migrated to the cloud. Even those which still remain on.premises, must be constantly accessible to mobile workers, external contractors or support engineers.

The mounting pressure from both hackers with their constantly changing sophisticated attack methods and compliance regulators with their hefty fines for data breaches makes controlling and monitoring privileged access across such complex and heterogeneous corporate infrastructures increasingly complicated and unbearably expensive.

Sure, you probably have PxM solutions in place for protecting your endpoints, servers, databases, network devices or cloud services, but how well do they play together? Can you manage them all from a single console or are your administrators still struggling with a number of disconnected, incompatible security tools? A unified Privileged Access Platform could not only dramatically reduce management costs and improve productivity, but by uniting capabilities of platform-specific PxM tools with asset and account discovery and improving interoperability between disparate security products, such a solution can enable functionality that is greater than a simple sum of its individual components.

Add intelligence to the mix by incorporating functions like vulnerability management, threat analytics or application control, and you end up with a truly end-to-end Privilege Management platform that provides complete visibility into all user, asset and application risks across your whole corporate IT infrastructure.

In this KuppingerCole webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • The latest trends and challenges in designing a modern Privilege Management blueprint;
  • Reducing complexity and improving productivity by building PxM around a unified technology platform;
  • Making PxM smarter by integrating with Identity and Access Management and cybersecurity technologies;
  • Fighting the idiosyncrasies of Unix and Linux platforms to improve security and achieve compliance.

In the first part of the webinar, Matthias Reinwarth, Senior Analyst with KuppingerCole, will look at today’s big picture for a Privilege Management blueprint and how this interfaces with other areas of both IAM (Identity & Access Management) and Cybersecurity. He will provide insight into which technologies for which target systems help best in mitigating risks by internal and external attackers, supporting organizations in prioritizing their requirements and investments in Privilege Management.

In the second part, Morey Haber, VP of Technology at BeyondTrust, will provide a deeper insight into designing and deploying a unified and intelligence PxM solution, addressing real-life use cases and showing how to address the quirks of Unix and Linux systems to reduce insider risks and achieve the highest level of compliance.