Webinar Recording

Better Business With Smooth and Secure Onboarding Processes

by Anne Bailey
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Annie Bailey Analyst
Annie Bailey
Annie Bailey is an analyst covering emerging technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, and helps synthesize the implications for companies, industries, and markets. She holds a Bachelor from Pacific Lutheran University, a Master’s Certificate from Johns Hopkins-Nanjing...
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Michael Engle Chief Strategy Officer
Michael Engle
Michael (Mike) Engle is a proven information technology executive, leader, and entrepreneur. He is an expert in information security, business development, and product design/development. He has experience running large teams and multi-million-dollar projects for a Fortune-100 bank as well...
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KuppingerCole Webinars
Webinar Recording
Multi-Cloud Permissions Management
Most businesses are adopting cloud services from multiple providers to remain flexible, agile, efficient, and competitive, but many do not have enterprise-wide control over and visibility of tens of thousands of cloud access permissions, exposing the enterprise to risk of security breaches.
Webinar Recording
Managing Cyber Risk in a Hybrid Multi-Cloud IT Environment
Today’s IT environments blend applications and services from multiple public cloud networks, private clouds and on-prem networks, making it difficult to view and inventory assets deployed across complex hybrid networks, and keep track of the security risks. Organizations need to find a way to improve visibility, identify and prioritize risks, and maintain cyber resiliency.
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Understanding the Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) Market
Business IT environments continue to undergo rapid and continual change as businesses seek to improve productivity and efficiency by adopting cloud-based services and enabling employees to work on a wide range of mobile devices. But this has in turn created opportunities for attackers.
Webinar Recording
Erfolgreiche IAM-Projekte: Von Best Practices Lernen
Häufig beginnt die Suche nach einer Identity-Lösung mit einem ganz konkreten Schmerzpunkt im Unternehmen. Ein nicht bestandener Compliance-Audit wegen überhöhter Zugriffsberechtigungen, technische Probleme, wegen komplexer Systeme frustrierte User und eine Überforderung des Helpdesk mit Berechtigungsanforderungen und Passwort-Resets sind nur einige der vielen möglichen Ursachen. Selbst nach einer erteilten Budgetfreigabe für die Anpassung der IAM-Landschaft sind die Hürden vielfältig.
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Breaking the Ransomware Attack Chain
At some point, any business connected to the internet is likely to become a victim of a ransomware because they are relatively easy and inexpensive to carry out, but potentially yield large payouts for cybercriminals. The best way of tackling this threat is to know how to break the attack chain.
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Eliminate Passwords With Invisible Multi-Factor Authentication
A high proportion of data breaches and ransomware attacks exploit stolen credentials. Eliminating passwords with multifactor authentication is an effective way to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to company networks, systems, SaaS applications, cloud infrastructure, and data. But not all MFA systems are created equal.
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Die Rolle von Identity Security bei Zero Trust
„Zero Trust“ ist heute für die meisten CISOs ein regelmäßiges Gesprächsthema. Im Kern geht es bei Zero Trust um das Prinzip der kontinuierlichen und sorgfältigen Zugriffskontrolle an mehreren Stellen für alle Benutzer beim Zugriff auf Netzwerk- und Systemressourcen ebenso wie Daten. Das ist erst einmal nichts Neues, bringt jedoch eine neue Fokussierung für die Frage, was und wie man IT-Sicherheit und Identity Security umsetzt. Zugriff muss mehr, detaillierter und besser gesteuert und kontrolliert werden.
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Zero Trust: Putting Theory Into Practice
Now is the time to implement the Zero Trust security model because the traditional model of enforcing security at the network perimeter is no longer effective. However, moving from theory into practice can be challenging unless you start with a key element like effective endpoint management.
Webinar Recording
Making Zero Trust a Reality: Basing Decisions on Valid Identity Data
Cloud computing and mobile workforces have resulted in an expanding attack surface and a complex web of identify information. This means that traditional perimeter-based security models are no longer effective. A Zero Trust model of strict access control for every user and device enables businesses to be connected and secure, but an effective identity-focused approach is essential.
Webinar Recording
Passwordless Customer Authentication: Reduce Friction and Increase Security
Acquiring and retaining customers is key in the modern world of e-commerce, but this can be challenging if creating and accessing accounts is difficult. Online traders need to find ways of turning authentication into a competitive edge by reducing friction and improving security.