Webinar Recording

Mitigate Risks, Cut Cost, and Achieve Compliance With AI-Driven IGA

by Matthias Reinwarth
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Tim Bedard Sr. Director of Product Marketing
Tim Bedard
Tim is Sr. Director of Product Marketing at ForgeRock and is responsible for the company’s identity management, identity governance and autonomous identity solutions. He is a cybersecurity expert who has held leadership positions in product strategy, product management, and marketing at...
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Matthias Reinwarth Head of Advisory
Matthias Reinwarth
Matthias is Head of Advisory and oversees and leads the KuppingerCole advisory team. Additionally he acts as lead advisor in various customer projects. As head of the IAM practice, Matthias coordinates communication and exchange within the KuppingerCole team across all business units (Events,...
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KuppingerCole Webinars
Webinar Recording
You Can Only Protect and Govern the Data You Know About
Data is widely recognized as the lifeblood of the modern enterprise. However, the exponential rate at which it is being generated means that it is crucial that organizations have the capability to manage it effectively to ensure its confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
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Protecting the Business From Software Supply Chain Threats
Recent events such as the SolarWinds and Kaseya compromises by malicious actors have demonstrated the need to focus significantly more on software supply chain security. According to a report from ENISA, supply chain attacks are increasing, with 66% of attacks focusing on source code and 62% exploiting customer trust in suppliers. This is a risk organizations can’t afford to ignore.
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Modern Identity Management: Security Without Compromising Usability
In the digital age, effective customer, partner, and employee identity and access management (IAM) is essential to enable secure online transactions, collaboration, and other interactions. But finding the right balance between security and usability has traditionally been challenging and required compromise. However, this is changing.
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Fixing the Way the World Logs In
Passwords are quickly and easily compromised, they are costly and difficult to manage, and they result in poor user experiences. Many organizations are looking for alternatives, but find it challenging to identify appropriate passwordless and phishing resistant authentication solutions that are simple, effective, and secure.
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Erfolgreiche IAM-Projekte: Von Best Practices Lernen
Häufig beginnt die Suche nach einer Identity-Lösung mit einem ganz konkreten Schmerzpunkt im Unternehmen. Ein nicht bestandener Compliance-Audit wegen überhöhter Zugriffsberechtigungen, technische Probleme, wegen komplexer Systeme frustrierte User und eine Überforderung des Helpdesk mit Berechtigungsanforderungen und Passwort-Resets sind nur einige der vielen möglichen Ursachen. Selbst nach einer erteilten Budgetfreigabe für die Anpassung der IAM-Landschaft sind die Hürden vielfältig.
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DevOps Tools: Securing the Software Supply Chain
Following the SolarWinds and Kaseya supply chain attacks, security of the DevOps tools chain with all the related components has shifted to the center of attention. There is a lot to do around securing code and CI/CD tools, as well as the execution environments. But it all starts with protecting secrets such as keys, certificates, and even passwords.- each one of these can provide access to large amounts of critical information.
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Maximizing the Benefits of Customer Identity & Access Management
CIAM solutions often come packed with features that could be used to improve consumer experiences, which is key to success in the digital era. However, in most cases, organizations that deploy CIAM products or use cloud-hosted CIAM services are under-utilizing the capabilities, which leads to poor customer experiences.
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Multi-Cloud Permissions Management
Most businesses are adopting cloud services from multiple providers to remain flexible, agile, efficient, and competitive, but many do not have enterprise-wide control over and visibility of tens of thousands of cloud access permissions, exposing the enterprise to risk of security breaches.
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Better Business With Smooth and Secure Onboarding Processes
In the modern world of working, organizations need to digitally verify and secure identities at scale. But traditional IAM and CIAM strategies can’t identity-proof people in a meaningful way in the digital era. Finding an automated digital identity proofing system that is passwordless and provides strong authentication, is essential.
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Ensuring the Security of Microsoft Active Directory and Azure AD
In the face of increasing cyber-attacks by cybercriminals and nation-states, most organizations are investing in filling in the gaps in their cyber defenses, but as the landmark SolarWinds supply chain breach showed, securing Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is vital, but often overlooked.