Webinar Recording

Zero Trust Is Driving the Evolution of Authorization

by Osman Celik
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Osman Celik Analyst
Osman Celik
Osman joined KuppingerCole as Research Analyst in March 2022. Osman holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Koc University, Turkey, and Master of Management (Track in IT Management) degree from EBS Universität, Germany. Areas of Expertise: Cyber Security, Cloud Security,...
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Adam Rusbridge Senior Product Manager
Ping Identity
Adam Rusbridge
Adam Rusbridge is a Senior Product Manager focused on Ping’s Authorisation products, responsible for developing cutting-edge solutions that keep organisations and their resources safe and secure.
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KuppingerCole Webinars
Webinar Recording
DevOps Tools: Securing the Software Supply Chain
Following the SolarWinds and Kaseya supply chain attacks, security of the DevOps tools chain with all the related components has shifted to the center of attention. There is a lot to do around securing code and CI/CD tools, as well as the execution environments. But it all starts with protecting secrets such as keys, certificates, and even passwords.- each one of these can provide access to large amounts of critical information.
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Dealing Effectively with Modern, Industrialized Cyber Threats
The cyber threat landscape has become very complex, with state-of-the-art intrusion, ransomware, and cryptocurrency mining tools now readily available through online stores and service providers, and an expanding attack surface due to increased cloud computing and remote working. Keeping data secure while ensuring its availability to legitimate users has become extremely challenging.
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Better Business With Smooth and Secure Onboarding Processes
In the modern world of working, organizations need to digitally verify and secure identities at scale. But traditional IAM and CIAM strategies can’t identity-proof people in a meaningful way in the digital era. Finding an automated digital identity proofing system that is passwordless and provides strong authentication, is essential.
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You Can Only Protect and Govern the Data You Know About
Data is widely recognized as the lifeblood of the modern enterprise. However, the exponential rate at which it is being generated means that it is crucial that organizations have the capability to manage it effectively to ensure its confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
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Protecting Web Applications Amid Severe Staff Shortages
Organizations are more dependent than ever on web applications for doing business with partners and customers, which means that protecting web applications has become business critical. But many companies are facing severe skills shortages exacerbated by the “Great Resignation”, and web application security is particularly hard hit. Automation is key to overcoming this challenge.
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Erfolgreiche IAM-Projekte: Von Best Practices Lernen
Häufig beginnt die Suche nach einer Identity-Lösung mit einem ganz konkreten Schmerzpunkt im Unternehmen. Ein nicht bestandener Compliance-Audit wegen überhöhter Zugriffsberechtigungen, technische Probleme, wegen komplexer Systeme frustrierte User und eine Überforderung des Helpdesk mit Berechtigungsanforderungen und Passwort-Resets sind nur einige der vielen möglichen Ursachen. Selbst nach einer erteilten Budgetfreigabe für die Anpassung der IAM-Landschaft sind die Hürden vielfältig.
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A Comprehensive Approach to Solving SaaS Complexity
As businesses adopt cloud-based services as part of digital transformation programs to enable flexible working, boost productivity, and increase business agility to remain competitive, many IT and security teams are finding it challenging to gain oversight and control over the multitude of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications.
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Fixing the Way the World Logs In
Passwords are quickly and easily compromised, they are costly and difficult to manage, and they result in poor user experiences. Many organizations are looking for alternatives, but find it challenging to identify appropriate passwordless and phishing resistant authentication solutions that are simple, effective, and secure.
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An Agile Approach to Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)
Business success in the digital era depends on delivering seamless and secure customer experiences. Failure to do so can easily result in abandoned shopping carts, fraudulent transactions, and regulatory fines. However, delivering exceptional experiences and keeping pace with the speed of business is challenging.
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Implementing Zero Trust With Privileged Access Management Platforms
There is no debate about the fact that ransomware is the fastest-growing kind of cybercrime. Due to their wide range of access rights and thus potential ransom leverage, privileged accounts are at the top of the target list for cybercriminals. Therefore, organizations need to pay special attention to securing these kinds of accounts.