Webinar Recording

Championing Privileged Access Management With Zero Trust Security

by Paul Fisher
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Paul Fisher Lead Analyst
Paul Fisher
Paul Fisher is a Lead Analyst who researches primarily on cybersecurity and identity and access management (IAM). He also studies trends in AI, IoT and data governance for different industry sectors including automotive. Paul is responsible for managing relevant quantitative research at...
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Srilekha Sankaran Product Consultant for PAM solutions
Srilekha Sankaran
Srilekha Sankaran is a product consultant for PAM solutions at ManageEngine, the enterprise IT management division of Zoho Corporation. In her current role, her primary focus is to educate and help customers understand  the significance of privileged access security through extensive domain...
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KuppingerCole Webinars
Webinar Recording
Making Passwordless Authentication a Reality: The Hitchhiker’s Guide
In this webinar, Bojan Simic, founder and CEO at HYPR, and Martin Kuppinger, Principal Analyst at KuppingerCole Analysts, will share their insights and experience on what to consider when moving towards passwordless authentication, and making this a reality.
Webinar Recording
Die Rolle von Identity Security bei Zero Trust
„Zero Trust“ ist heute für die meisten CISOs ein regelmäßiges Gesprächsthema. Im Kern geht es bei Zero Trust um das Prinzip der kontinuierlichen und sorgfältigen Zugriffskontrolle an mehreren Stellen für alle Benutzer beim Zugriff auf Netzwerk- und Systemressourcen ebenso wie Daten. Das ist erst einmal nichts Neues, bringt jedoch eine neue Fokussierung für die Frage, was und wie man IT-Sicherheit und Identity Security umsetzt. Zugriff muss mehr, detaillierter und besser gesteuert und kontrolliert werden.
Webinar Recording
Cybersecurity-Teams mit Managed Detection Response stärken
Organisationen, die die Digitalisierung ihrer Businessprozesse versäumen, werden es in naher Zukunft schwer haben, wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Mit zunehmender Digitalisierung steigen aber auch die Cyberrisiken, weil die Verlagerung von Dienstleistungen in die Cloud und die zunehmende Unterstützung von mobilem und dezentralem Arbeiten die Bedrohungsflächen rapide vergrößert. IT-Sicherheitsteams haben nicht zuletzt wegen geringer Budgets und mangelndem Know-How Mühe, Bedrohungen zu erkennen, darauf zu reagieren und sie einzudämmen, zumal diese zunehmend von staatlicher Seite ausgehen und mit Lieferketten zusammenhängen.
Webinar Recording
Effective Identity Access Governance in Hybrid SAP Environments
Increased cyber threats and regulatory requirements for privacy and security make staying on top of user roles and access rights in hybrid IT environments more important and challenging than ever, which means it’s important to understand the real risks and how to mitigate them effectively with modern GRC capabilities.
Webinar Recording
Zero Trust: Now Is the Time and PBAC Is Key
Now is the time to implement the Zero Trust security model because the traditional model of enforcing security at the network perimeter is no longer effective with users, devices and workloads moving outside the corporate network, but success depends on understanding the essential components of a Zero Trust Architecture.
Webinar Recording
Unlock the Potential of Passwordless Authentication
The idea of passwords becoming obsolete has been discussed by the IT industry for years, if not decades. In recent years, Passwordless Authentication has become a popular and catchy term. It is used to describe a set of identity verification solutions that remove the password from all aspects of the authentication flow, and from the recovery process as well. Some passwordless options have been around for a while but are starting to be implemented more by enterprises and even consumer-facing businesses.
Webinar Recording
Why Data Resilience Is Key to Digital Transformation
As companies pursue digital transformation to remain competitive, they become more dependent on IT services. This increases the potential business impact of mistakes, natural disasters, and cyber incidents. Business continuity planning, therefore, is a key element of digital transformation, and must cover business-critical data and applications.
Webinar Recording
Ensuring the Security of Microsoft Active Directory and Azure AD
In the face of increasing cyber-attacks by cybercriminals and nation-states, most organizations are investing in filling in the gaps in their cyber defenses, but as the landmark SolarWinds supply chain breach showed, securing Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is vital, but often overlooked.
Webinar Recording
The Changing Scope of the NIS 2 EU Directive
The NIS Directive aimed at achieving a common standard of network and information security across all EU Member States, with a focus on operators of essential services, is scheduled for an update. Suppliers of utilities, healthcare, transport, communications, and other services need to know what changes are coming and what they need to do to comply.
Webinar Recording
Multi-Cloud Permissions Management
Most businesses are adopting cloud services from multiple providers to remain flexible, agile, efficient, and competitive, but many do not have enterprise-wide control over and visibility of tens of thousands of cloud access permissions, exposing the enterprise to risk of security breaches.